We’re All Mad Here


Being a huge Alice fan and that the movie Through The Looking Glass came out. I was in the mood to do my take on an Alice Tea Party.  I also wanted to play with the March and June Arcade goodies I collected.  The foreground houses things from this June’s Arcade.  Tarte being a personal favorite.  I see them at a gacha event and they’re instantly on my hit up list.  Dressed up in .ET. ‘s Vintage Romance outfit, from March’s Arcade and had a fun time.  There may be, hiding in the photo, another item from March’s Arcade.

Old & New


Taking a break from setting up my place and figured I’d take time to snap a quick photo.  I’m setting up my new house from Ionic.  The rare from their gacha vendor at Chapter Four’s 3 year Anniversary event.  With it I set up one of my first gachas, the tarte Step stool from The Arcade, March.  This June will be my three month anniversary with gachas.  It has been a fun addiction and helped me get some of my creativity out there for others to enjoy.